Introducing New 10 kHz DPSS Laser Model
Compiler HPRR model The brand new High Pulse Repetition Rate picoseconds DPSS Laser Compiler HPRR is a 10-kHz picosecond laser. This is the most advanced version among the Compiler family lasers. This...
View ArticleDeep UV lasers for Raman Spectroscopy
The deep UV laser is suitable for life science industries (biophysics, pharmaceuticals, bioengineering) as a stable laser source for Raman spectroscopy
View ArticleDrilling holes with picosecond DPSS laser Compiler HPRR
Drilling holes in metal strips using diode-pumped solid-state picosecond laser Compiler HPRR. As you can see in the video, the drilling time is proportional to the drilling depth: Compiler HPRR is a...
View ArticleOur Showroom has been updated!
Passat’s Showroom webpage has been updated to showcase our high-aspect ratio drilling capabilities in dielectrics, as well as the speed of drilling possible with the new, high-average-power “Compiler...
View ArticlePassat picosecond lasers drill routinely through milimiter(s)-thick materials
A micro-hole with aspect ratio of almost 200! Yes, that is an opening with 10 microns (or less) minimum diameter, going all the way through a 1.8-mm-thick heterogeneous “sandwich” of metal and...
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